Welcome to W3ST
W3ST is a community project between Strathaven Rugby Club and Strathaven Dynamo who have successfully partnered to raise money for a full size 3G and floodlit synthetic pitch based at Strathaven Rugby Club. We now have a local, high quality training facility to support the 450 young playing members and 125 adult volunteers of both clubs. To appreciate the pitch and the project, please have a look at our video opposite, created by There’s Yer Dinner to mark our opening in March 2017.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a private community facility normally fully utilised by our two community clubs. If you wish to enquire about availability you must contact the Trust first on info@w3st.org to confirm any availability.
Having raised £670,000 for the new 3G pitch, and £105,000 for changing rooms and upgraded an existing rugby grass pitch our charity has achieved a major community facility for our town’s children. Sustaining and operating these facilities comes at a cost and we welcome all levels of support to meet our operating and maintenance costs. We have a target of £25,000 of additional funds to find each year to manage this training and playing pitch on behalf of both clubs and on behalf of the Strathaven and Avondale community.
Target: £775,000
Raised: £775,000

For further information on our fundraising activity and targets please click the below link:

For up-to-date news stories and articles on W3ST please click the below link:

Get In Touch
Details on how to contact W3ST for further information please click the below link:
We have now established a local, high quality training facility to support the 450 young playing members and 125 adult volunteers who manage over 25 teams across both clubs.
W3ST 3G Pitch Site